Hi all, I’ve purchased several of these Charlieplexed LED matrices and I want to use these same or similar LEDs in another project, but I can’t find them anywhere! When I look under LEDs with a color temperature of “warm white”, I get zero results for the 0603 SMD package size. When I filter all white LEDs by 0603 package size, I get no results under that color temperature. I’ve trawled through literally every data sheet for 0603 “white” LEDs, converted the CIE xy coordinates, and the closest I got was one vendor at 3900K. Most of them are in the 7000K and higher range.
What am I missing? Anyone know what they are? And yes, I asked at Adafruit and they just said “they’re generic 0603 leds”
Any help?
The only white matrix type LEDs that we have in stock are 1528-1639-ND and 1528-2466-ND. The 0603 size will the the individual led, that will be about 1.60mm X 0.80mm.
The Adafruit schematic lists some of the LED models used for the various versions of this product over the years. (it’s a Fritzing XML schematic, so you can read it in a plain text editor, the list starts at line 1313)
The white LED’s listed are not 0603 and the warm white one that is listed from Everlight was discontinued in 2014. It appears that in 2016 they got sick of updating the schematic list when they have to change the LED make/model.
I got the same results as you did . Though I tried something a little different on our website. I could not find the 0603 though we did have a 0606 package size. That would be the closest I can find. This is the link I pulled up for the 0606 size in the warm white: https://www.digikey.com/short/z0r8c8 . I know it is not ideal, but it is the closest I can find.
Wow! You all are the best! This is fantastic information. Thank you!
I went searching under " LED Indication - Discrete" for 0603 white instead of under “LED Lighting - White” for 0603 and got a result that should help, 54 parts. (makes sense the Adafruit PCB is an indicator use not illuminator use)
Thanks. That’s where I started and I literally went through every one of those and checked the chromaticity coordinates and they’re all cool white (5000K and above). I need 3700K and below.
Gajillion, I am sorry we do not have them rate for 3700.
Oops, I forgot you wanted a specific shade of white. In general getting any more specific than a basic color in a discrete indicator over the long term is not achievable in quantities of less than 1 to 10 thousand pcs/year.
If you can buy in the large quantity then you should speak directly with an LED manufacturer. Were I work we have to inventory a decades worth of parts to get an acceptable look for our products with 7-segment displays.
Looking around at other component distributors I couldn’t find anybody in the USA selling 0603 parts in 3700K and below white. A search did show some allegedly available from Alibaba, Aliexpress & eBay (didn’t dig deep enough to be sure the offers are real).