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I need to buy some capacitors, but I need to know what type to purchase from you.
I have a Vizio M75-E1, and it blew a capacitor on the power board. I need to buy a few replacements but I don’t know what type I need. Ceramic? Aluminum? Etc,
The numbers that is on the matching neighbor capacitors is 47J1KV. I interpret this as: 47pF ± 5%, max power 1Kv.
Thank you for contacting DigiKey , from what I found you are correct it is 47pF 1KV take a look at part number 490-RDE5C3A470J2K1H03B-ND , from the pictures I cannot tell the lead spacing though so you will have to measure it and see if this one will work for you .
Thanks Craig. I ordered a few dozen to make sure I had spares. Should I chage out all four of the capacitors on this section of the board so they are matched? Is that important for capacitors?
Changing of the capacitors is not necessary per say if equipment is not that old. Generally replacing caps for newer ones is a good idea on older equipment as long as they have the same values obviously. So depending on how old the equipment is it might be a good idea, but if it’s basically new then you should be ok leaving the rest in.