Need help to ID a 3 pin connector

Hi, Can anyone ID the PN for the mating part to the 3 pin connector used in the Chroma 62006P-100-25 and image below? Seems like a Phoneix contact or similar terminal block type item.

I am sorry to say that I have not located a power plug that will match the one pictures for this Chroma programmable power supply. Also Digi-Key does not list or sell the Chroma products.

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Hi GlobTek-DR,

Yes, that appears to be either a Phoenix or comparable terminal block connector. We could take an educated guess if you could give us some good dimensions of the pitch. However, there would be no way to absolutely know. Mating connectors from different vendors is generally frowned upon, but may work.

I scanned the datasheet of that supply and they do not list it there. I also chatted with their support line, and they couldn’t find a number either. They suggested the following:

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