The white Female 4 pin is Molex PN/510210400. Jameco suggested Digi-Key might have my answer. I am looking for the Surface Mount 4 pin male Socket. The soldiered down part. The pins are very fine and damaged. I am out of my element with these Part Names, PN, and interconnection. So please excuse me. Ref attached Image.
Sorry, I just received a STP file of PN/510210400. Image is close but not the correct female. Back to Parts Unknown.
I put in part number 0510210400. The link is:
If you scroll down this link , we do list the mating connectors. The surface mount part number I see is : 0533980471. The link is:
You can review this to see if it will work for you.
[quote=“Verna_1353, post:2, topic:20783”]
[/quote]y more pictures will helpful but is the 1.25mm pitch correct ?
New Images; Corrected Post: PCB Level, Surface Mount, 4 Pin 1 Row, 1.25mm, Male Socket soldier down for Motherboard
NOTE: Incorrect Parts ID. White Female 4 Pin 1 Row, 1.25mm, is NOT Molex PN/510210400 per .stp Drawing. I am looking for the Surface Mount 4 pin male Socket soldiered to the PCB. The pins are very fine and were damaged. I am out of my element with these Part Names, PN, and interconnection. So please excuse me. Ref attached Image. Information: The parts are from the CPU FAN at PCB Location JF-AN1. The PCB is an Alienware 17 R4 (2016) Motherboard CPU Fan interconnect.
Resolved!! Thank you for your time. I purchased non-working pcb for part cannibalization.