Please, i need help to identify this part

Hello, i need help o identify this part if possible please. It is from TV - TCL power supply board.

Thank you so much!

What is the model of your TCL TV? I have found a few possibilities, but I need to narrow it down to the model just to be on the safe side.

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Hello, yes the model is TCL 43DP640

Thank you so much!

Can you tell what the numbers are on the top, by the mounting tab? I see a 57 something, and another 5.

Unfortunately, that was not one of the models I could find a service manual for. I think David might have the better chance, if you can see what the other numbers he’s asking for are.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help. Good luck!

I tried to clean it, but this is the best it can get. I cant make out really the whole writing.

It seem like at the top its written 15T 5 and the rest its not clear.

Any help great appreciated

It looks like 15T ? 5G ?. The way the light hits it, the one after the T may be a Y, but not sure.

Typically the top number will be the main part of the part number. I searched for a lot of possible combinations, but I’m unable to find anything that matches. The Q601 should be for some type of transistor. Sorry I could not identify it.

Thank you so much David, at least we tried.

Ive ordered this board anyways but it will arrive in 10 days or so.

Best regards

It would be interesting to know the markings on the new board that might indicate which markings are fixed and likely a partial part number and which portions change and are likely a date/lot code.

I did find a 15T15GH on searching the internet, which looks close.
CLICK HERE for the datasheet.

We do not carry that part number, but the closest alternate to that one, is 488-NTB5D0N15MCCT-ND.
But the main question is, what are the chances that that number on yours is 15T15GH?

Hi Dave, that i am trying to figure it out. But it seems we are really close to an answer. I am doing a bit of more research.

We are very close…

Thank you so much!

I will definitely update that when i will receive the Power Supply board. Will be good to know for the record…

Thank you!