Powering BBBw through power plug

Hi Robert,

I, somehow embarrassed myself, cannot power the BBBw with 5V power plug. I plugged in 5V with/without power button pressed. Any trick?


Thank you,

Does it still boot when you power by USB? The tps65218 inside the OSD3358 might have blown… The power button is not required for power-up, as soon as USB or DC jack has power it’ll start-up…


Still works with USB. It was first time to use 5V Power Jack.


I believe something is wrong. I have tried several units, they are all consistent. Works with USB power and doesn’t work with 5V.



If it works with USB, most of the board works. Bad wall wart, bad solder joint, wrong connector size, all are plausible possibilities. Grab a multimeter and the schematic, verify that your 5v supply is delivering the juice, and start tracing voltage from the connector pins downstream. That process should tell a reasonably convincing story.

Hi Rick,
Thanks for your input.


Hi Rick,

I tested that the input has to be <5.5v. ( I was using 6V input).
