I have a RabbitCore RCM3200 PN 316-1097-ND and I would like to see if I can extract or copy the program that is on this to another. However I am having trouble getting the cable 20-101-0542 to work. My OS is Windows 7 Professional and I’m using a Sealevel USB to Serial adapter and I have installed Dynamic C 9.62.
What do I need to do to get this cable communicating with my rabbit board? Is there a manual for this cable for specifications on how to use this with Dynamic C, is this cable the only thing that is needed to communicate with the board or am I missing something?
Here is documentation that may help you located on Digi’s website.
The cable you are using appears to be the correct cable. However, the USB to serial adapter may be incorrect. The notes on Digi’s website state:
It may be possible to use an RS-232/USB converter with the serial programming
described in this section. An RS-232/USB converter (part number 20-151-0178) is
available through the Web store. Note that not all RS-232/USB converters work with
Dynamic C.
Other documents that may be of interest to you are located here.
Thanks for the information I’ll have to get one of those.