Comms on RCM3200

Hi there all, I am new here and not a programmer, but I am trying to get some info on programming on a Rabbit Module.

I have a customer who uses these units and i need to change the comms from RS-485 to EtherCAT or EtherNet.

is there someone who can assist me?

Hello marcusgericke069,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
I’m not familiar with this module, but there are engineers that monitor the TechForum.
One of them should be able to step in and help with this.

Hello marcusgericke069,

Welcome to the DigiKey forum.

With respect to the RabbitCore hardware, DigiKey offers a large number of System On Module (SOM) solutions. Unfortunately, nearly all are listed as “Last Time Buy” or “Not For New Designs.” A similar situation exists for at least one DigiKey competitor.

With respect to software, I understand RabbitCore devices are programmed using a dialect of C known as Dynamic C. Normally, I would recommend you purchase a development kit for the device of interest. Unfortunately, these kits are not in DigiKey stock and all are listed as obsolete.

Recommend you contact Digi. Identify the board you are currently using and request a migration path with the desired ethernet connections. We can hope that Digi has a plan that is not reflected in this less than optimistic note.

If Digi is unable to assist, please return to this post. We can explore many different SOM solutions to fit your project needs.

Best Wishes,
