Replacement for a chip I think is a mosfet

I’m having difficulty finding a direct replacement for what I think is a mosfet chip. It is marked SM 3313 RZC9G. I have also included a picture below. I was wondering if you could point me towards an appropriate replacement?


Hello kirkjgrubbs,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
I found a possible match for the Datasheet on line, and it looks like a N-Channel Mosfet that can handle 30V, 46A.
The closest alternate I found is 3757-PJQ5548-AU_R2_002A1CT-ND. Here is the Datasheet for this Mosfet.
This one can handle a little higher voltage and current.
Please compare the datasheets and verify if you feel this will work for your application.

I really appreciate the help with this. Thank-you