Hello, my name is Austin and I need a foot by a foot prototype board Or 300 mm x 300 mm it can be as cheap as possible since it’s the motherboard as long as the PCB
The product is a chassis is a server rack system for eight of these in a desk for a desk I’m trying to also figure out how to power it and the design for the lights on the board is parallel with a additional x shaped wires to create the 2 second left right sections but ignore the lights for now
I’m struggling to find a right size board
The final product is roughly 14“ x 16“ I still have to design the bracket to hold the lights to the cover. I mainly did work on the cover first and measured LEDs. There are 1 cm LEDs in a red type system, but not exact as I did for the modeling for the STL
Welcome to the forum.
Not exactly sure what you are looking for so here’s some best guesses that may help.
Here’s a search that gives all the 12"x12" Prototype Boards Unperforated both clad and unclad.
There are no 12"x12" Prepunched boards but here’s an 18"x16" Prototype Board Perforated.
These are the Solderless Breadboards that are 12"x9+".
Hello @megaloguejohnrolfe
The parts that @PaulHutch had recommended would be all that we have for prototype board in and around that 12" x 12" (300mm x 300mm) size.
another option that you could go with is to design you own custom PCB board and if you choose to go that route, we do offer PCB print services. PCB Builder
Yeah I can’t print a case for the board smaller or bigger than a foot because it’s a tight fit. I have to be able to insert two sections of 6x9 1 cm leds twice and a bottom section of 9x25 which is why the cover is 16 inches wide some how it’s 16 by 12 on the print maybe I’m using a non engineering rule on Tinkercad it says it’s 385 mm
Can you do this for me design a board with just holes in it? I don’t know where to convert a drawing to a Gerber file. It would also help if they were the terminal distance apart on the 1 cm LED and yes, it’s made by chanzon Though I wish to find an LED for DigiKey
Sorry, I accidentally responded by email because I couldn’t locate the link
If I can draw the traces, can they make the board in black-and-white?
Hello! To answer your questions:
Can you do this for me design a board with just holes in it?
Unfortunately, no we cannot design the board for you, we simply provide access to the fabrication facilities for customer designs.
If I can draw the traces, can they make the board in black-and-white?
Yes, see below for an example of the options you would pick to get a black-and-white board.
Starting to trace it now
Are you thinking of designing something like this? 64x64 RGB LED Matrix - 3mm Pitch [192mm x 192mm] : ID 4732 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
No, the design is actually just a parallel Circuit
Some of the functionalities is a little bit different
It’s more 3-D printing than electronics, but still require some electronics. Imagine a new Hope with a Star Trek conservative counterpart I’m trying to design the set for myself And then after I film, I’ll put it in homes
The squares are arranged into a two times a Four square grid and they go into a desk. I’m mainly working on the squares for now because I wanted to be custom.
When I was 16, I used to draw stuff all the time and now I know to build it so I’m going for each drawing trying to build it But I mainly have a hard product projects about four are Motor amplifier robotics, and the other for our fridge size projects, which look like a super computer The 1940s just blinks and turns on those are my long range Goals and I will likely upload the photos to my blog on my studio website, although I don’t have a lot of film at this point
I have more lights than film. In fact I have about 1000 red LEDs from chanson At least I thought about 1000 it was $80 worth
So each row has a color going down in the straight line and the glitz are arranged in certain sizes. I will adjust each transformer to each row at one hertz on off.