I built a professional grade therapeutic cold plunge about 2 years ago and have struggled to find the appropriate AC-DC power adapter to power the water pump. The water pump is 24V 150 watt and runs 24/7. The Chinese company I bought the pump from supplied me with the power adapter with specs seen in uploaded photos. It produced too much heat being locked inside an electrical enclosure on the side of the tub. It only lasted about 1.5 years - it struggled to supply the water pump with its necessary wattage or amperage to pump sufficient water through the tubs plumbing system. I decided to purchase the VGS-350D-24 (350W) by CUI power adapter from Digikey thinking if I go up in quality and wattage, maybe it will last longer. Turns out the adapter generated so much heat it caused this adapter to be defective only supplying about 25-50% of the necessary power for the water pump. It seemed to work fine at first. The adapter only lasted a few days and I currently have a pending return to digikey.
Currently, I have been researching numerous power adapters to hopefully find a permanent solution. My belief if that I need an adapter with a built-in fan considering I have no fan inside the electrical enclosure. I have my eye on part # GHA500F-24-SNF (500W) by Cosel. I’d be increasing wattage from 350 to 500, built-in fan, and higher heat tolerance. The size of the adapter is also appropriate to fit inside my small electrical enclosure.
Please review and advise if this GHA adapter is the most appropriate or better options.
I am not an electrician or an engineer but my dad (engineer) taught me a lot growing up.