Vishay Inductors with Exposed Wires - Quality Control Information

Sometimes, when receiving Vishay inductors such as IFSC1111AZER100M01, you may spot parts with a bit of exposed wiring beneath their epoxy coats. Is this a dealbreaker for these parts?

Not always. The manufacturer has confirmed that small amounts of exposed wiring will not compromise the part’s performance, citing a maximum limit of one exposed wire length. While there is no specific document to reference, Vishay has supplied the following example images as a guide. They also offer the following inspection criteria for you.

Measurement standards:
1) For regularly shaped exposed copper areas, the measurement method is: Length * Width = Exposed Copper Area.
2) For irregularly shaped exposed copper areas, the measurement method is: Measure the exposed copper length of each copper wire separately, then multiply by the wire diameter to calculate the exposed copper area.
3) The exposed copper wire area on a single side must not exceed 0.6mm².