What does "Mount jumpers" mean?

I have a data sheet here telling me the following “Mount jumpers to not short cut the pin pairs”. I’ve included a photo. It feels like a pretty dumb question, but what does this mean? I do want to power the TEM and Fan separately, but I don’t know what this instruction means.

Without fully understanding the context of this and seeing the markings on the actual board, it’s hard to say with absolute certainty. However, a “jumper”, as it appears in your drawing, is a removable two-contact female connector which electrically “shorts” (connects together) the two adjacent contacts. “Mounting” just means you slip it over two adjacent pins to “short” them together.

Based on your drawing, my assumption is that one can mount each of the two jumpers in more than one orientation, and in one orientation, “+TEM” and “+FAN” are tied together with one jumper and “-TEM” and “-FAN” are tied together with the other, whereas in the other orientation, they are not connected together. You would want the latter, if powering separately.


A jumper in this case is a conductive ‘shunting’ device that shorts two male pin headers together on a circuit board. Sometimes it’s used as a cost effective switch to change between two settings on a circuit board where you have three pins.


Ahh okay, thank you very much for your help!

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Thank you very much for the help!!

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