I have purchased some HIgh Temp Waterproof DS18B20 sensors. All of the documentation refers to wiring that is white with colored stripes. The wires on the products received are all solid: red, black, and white. Can I get a cross reference, so I don’t cause any damage while I am connecting?
Welcome to the community. Just to be sure, what is the Digi-Key or Adafruit part number? I see three options.
Adafruit 642
Datasheet Microsoft Word - Adafruit (digikey.com)
Adafruit 381
Datasheet 381_Web.pdf (digikey.com)
Adafruit 3846
Datasheet 3846
Adafruit 642
I see that the 3846 has Red, Black and White wires. There was a revision- * As of May 9, 2022, the three wires within the cable are now 1mm diameter with red, black, and white wires. The previous version came with orange, white, and blue wires.
- Three wires - Red connects to 3-5V, Black connects to ground, and White is data.
The 642 had a revision - * As of May 18, 2021 the outer sheathing has changed texture and thickness. It has the same temperature rating.
- Three wires - Orange Stripe connects to 3-5V, White connects to ground and Blue Stripe is data.
The 381 notes,
- If your sensor has four wires - Red connects to 3-5V, Black connects to ground and White is data. The copper wire is soldered to the wire shielding
- If your sensor has three wires - Red connects to 3-5V, Blue/Black connects to ground and Yellow/White is data
Image compliments of Adafruit 3846