While we try to have accurate photos that represent the product, there are instances where images are just a general reference to what the part should look like overall. We always suggest customers check the datasheet for details as photos aren’t always a 100% accurate depiction. For example, part number HM4415-ND; 166JB12 shows three output wires suggesting it is center tapped. In fact, at the time of this original post (it may be changed by the time you read this), our description and product attributes say the item is center-tapped. However, the datasheet has a somewhat vague detail that I noticed: not every part in the series is center-tapped. The datasheet does give a little context in beginning: “Most secondaries are center-tapped (C.T.), VAC (RMS) - see table for details.” however, it wasn’t apparent as to what ratings the table values were referring to and it’s easy to miss details with a large list of parts.
Searching Datasheets
Most modern datasheets are searchable using the Windows keyboard combination “Control + F” to search for keywords. I used “166JB12” and the third column is missing the “C.T.” tag which means that particular model is not center-tapped. This means that the first photo does not 100% match since a non-center tapped output only has two wires. Datasheets always take precedent before any other documentation.