Harting Explosion Proof Heavy Duty Connectors (Blue Color)

When looking at Harting heavy duty Han® EX Series of connectors you will see that they color code these connectors to indicate they are heavy duty Class 1 Division 2 groups A, B, C, and D with a blue. Harting Part number 10360070001 is an example of the blue distinction.
imageDigi-Key Part 1195-4022-ND

Note: If it’s not blue, you would need to check the Harting Data sheet for your connector to verify the connector ratings as most will not meet the requirements of Class 1 Division 2 groups A, B, C, and D

For more information on the Han Ex series see the Harting Han EX Information Sheet.

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Heavy Duty Connectors
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Click here for all DigiKey Harting products.

Applicable Part Numbers
DK Part # Mfr Part #
1195-7285-ND 19365161522
1195-7284-ND 19365161521
1195-7271-ND 9365101301
1195-7270-ND 9365061301
1195-7275-ND 19365061441
1195-7283-ND 19365161422
1195-7280-ND 19365101520
1195-7289-ND 19365241522
1195-7286-ND 19365241421
1195-7287-ND 19365241422
1195-7282-ND 19365161421
1195-7279-ND 19365101421
1195-7274-ND 19365061440
1195-7281-ND 19365101521
1195-7273-ND 9365241301
1195-7272-ND 9365161301
19360241541-ND 19360241541
19360241442-ND 19360241442
19360480547-ND 19360480547
19360241542-ND 19360241542
19360241441-ND 19360241441
19360480447-ND 19360480447
09360480301-ND 9360480301
09360241307-ND 9360241307
19360480548-ND 19360480548
09360241301-ND 9360241301
19360480448-ND 19360480448
1195-7276-ND 19365061540
19360241521-ND 19360241521
1195-7278-ND 19365101420
1195-7277-ND 19365061541
19360241421-ND 19360241421
19360241422-ND 19360241422
1195-7288-ND 19365241521
19360161522-ND 19360161522
19360061541-ND 19360061541
19360161541-ND 19360161541
09360241308-ND 9360241308
19360241522-ND 19360241522
19360061540-ND 19360061540
19360101521-ND 19360101521
19360101541-ND 19360101541
19360101441-ND 19360101441
19360161542-ND 19360161542
19360161421-ND 19360161421
19360161521-ND 19360161521
19360101421-ND 19360101421
19360061440-ND 19360061440
19360061441-ND 19360061441
19360161442-ND 19360161442
19360161422-ND 19360161422
19360161441-ND 19360161441
19360101440-ND 19360101440
19360101540-ND 19360101540
19360101520-ND 19360101520
09360101308-ND 9360101308
09360161308-ND 9360161308
19360101420-ND 19360101420
1195-4025-ND 10360120001
1195-4021-ND 10360040003
1195-4022-ND 10360070001
1195-4024-ND 10360080007
10360040005-ND 10360040005
10360050002-ND 10360050002
10360030005-ND 10360030005
10360040004-ND 10360040004
10360040011-ND 10360040011
10360030008-ND 10360030008
10360080009-ND 10360080009
10360040008-ND 10360040008
10360080011-ND 10360080011
10360080012-ND 10360080012
10360070002-ND 10360070002
10360070003-ND 10360070003
10360080010-ND 10360080010
1195-7312-ND 10361080007
10360080008-ND 10360080008
10360120003-ND 10360120003
1195-4023-ND 10360080006
1195-7309-ND 10361040004
10360040012-ND 10360040012
10360120002-ND 10360120002
1195-7308-ND 10361040003
10360040006-ND 10360040006
1195-7311-ND 10361080006
10361120001-ND 10361120001
1195-7310-ND 10361070001
10360080014-ND 10360080014
10360030001-ND 10360030001
10360040002-ND 10360040002
10360030002-ND 10360030002
10360030004-ND 10360030004
10360040001-ND 10360040001
10360050001-ND 10360050001
1195-7306-ND 10361030001
1195-7307-ND 10361040001
10360120004-ND 10360120004
1053-1810-ND OA60EC-UR-1WBIP68A
1053-1814-ND OA109EC-UR-1TBIP68A
1053-1813-ND OA109EC-UR-1WBIP68A
259-1878-ND CF4113LBL-000U-AED
259-1875-ND CF4113MBL-000U-ABD
603-MR83AUPE-104S10-ND MR83AUPE-104S10
259-1877-ND CF4113HBL-000U-AED
259-1872-ND CF4113HBT-000U-ABD
259-1879-ND CF4113MBL-000U-AED
1053-1821-ND OA172EC-22-1WBIP68A
1570-1939-ND LPH12A99-BTHR-2EM-EX
1570-1953-ND LPT60B99-BWHR-2EM-EX
603-MR83AUPE-144S20-ND MR83AUPE-144S20
1053-1889-ND OA254EC-22-1WBXCIP68A
1053-1885-ND OA254EC-11-1WBXCIP68A
1570-1941-ND LPT12A99-BTHR-2EM-EX
1053-1881-ND OA254EC-UR-1WBIP68A
1570-1943-ND LPT12A99-BWHR-2EM-EX
1570-1951-ND LPT15P23-BWHR-2EM-EX
1053-1819-ND OA172EC-11-1WBIP68A
1570-1935-ND LPH12A99-BWHR-2EM-EX
259-1871-ND CF4113HBL-000U-ABD
259-1873-ND CF4113LBL-000U-ABD
259-1874-ND CF4113LBT-000U-ABD
259-1876-ND CF4113MBT-000U-ABD
259-1880-ND CF2207LBL-000U-HB9
1570-1945-ND LPT15P12-BTHR-2EM-EX
259-1881-ND CF2207LBL-000U-HE9
1570-1949-ND LPT15P23-BTHR-2EM-EX
1053-1820-ND OA172EC-11-1TBIP68A
1053-1822-ND OA172EC-22-1TBIP68A
1053-1882-ND OA254EC-UR-1TBIP68A
1570-1947-ND LPT15P12-BWHR-2EM-EX

What you are saying is absolutely correct.
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