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I recently purchased a motor VG.ECI6340BK1.P63.1.5 from Digi-Key. The Digi-Key product page includes a catalog with information:
However, the wire callout for this motor in this catalog uses different wire colors than the motor I received. I am in need of a wiring diagram for yellow/purple/brown power and red/black/green/white/light blue hall effect wires.
It’s my understanding that this motor is supplied with an attached connector, having contact positions and functions specified in the diagram on page 20 of the referenced document.
The expectation would seem to be that people would make connections on the basis of contact position rather than wire color which, as the note in the catalog indicates, is subject to change.
If you could help me understand the difficulty presented by this apparent inconsistency in wire color, I’d be better able to articulate the question when making any needful inquiries of the manufacturer. Any unit-specific identifiers (e.g. serial number) that could be used to identify production date would also be helpful.
My motor was delivered with loose wires, not a connector. So I have no choice but to wire it myself. See identifying photos below. I appreciate the follow up on this.
Just wondering if you have had any luck obtaining a wiring diagram? I also reached out to the manufacturer’s tech support and haven’t received a response, so am not currently able to use this product.