Lidar connection cable


How to connect MS 200K DTOF LIDAR SENSOR (Digikey Part Number: 5629-100100444-ND) to a computer.

I need URGENTLY the specific CABLE and the USB-to-UART converter part numbers to connect it.

Lidar’s datasheet indicates I need a 4 pin, female 1.5mm pitch standard interface.

Could You please send any feedback on wich part numbers I need to order?

Thks in advance

Hello eduardmc.cseng,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
On page 6 of the Datasheet, under the “Quick Start Guide”, it recommends to use the MS200K Oradar adapter board, and a USB Type-C cable to connect it to the PC.
We do not carry this part, and we can not get it.
You should contact the manufacture for the ordering part number, and a recommendation of where you can get the part.

The datasheet only describes the connector as “standard” but at least is kind enough to mention that it’s got a 1.5mm pitch. Some potential options on hand for connector housings are here.

It looks as if the device operates with 3.3v UART signals and wants a 5V supply. If it were me, I’d grab a USB-UART cable such as the TTL-234X-3V3-WE, put a connector on it, and cross my fingers that my USB port’s power supply would run things.