Melexis PTC04 automatic hall id readout

We use the Melexis PTC04 programmer with the MLX90365 sensor in our company to automatically read out a hall id from EEPROM. I do it with python. I need a reliable rule how to distinguish a good readout from a bad one. In most cases when the readout is unsuccessfull, it returns “FFFFFFFFFFFF”. But sometimes it returns for example “0F0F0F0F0F0F”, “FFDFFFFFFFFF”, “FFFFFFFF07FF” or “FFFF4200FFFF”. I have compared also the whole EEPROM of good and bad readouts, but I haven’t found out a reliable rule. Could someone please advise me? I have contacted the Melexis company, but they redirected me to their distribution partners.

@DigiKey_Internal Can any one assist this customer on this issue ?

Hello @czerthas,
Just to be clear, are you reading out the the Melexis ID of the MLX90365 from the EEPROM and want to know a valid range for a good ID?

Hello, yes. If it can be defined by a range (in the range always valid ID, out of the range always invalid), then yes.

Hello @czerthas,
I will check with our Product Manager to see what information we can get from Melexis and get back to you. The only info I have found is “Value 0…65535” for MELEXISID1,2,3 from the MLX90365 datasheet.

Thank you. 0…65535 means 0000…FFFF in hexadecimal, it means anything. I guess it can’t be defined by a range.

Hello @czerthas,
Can you email me the name of your company and your contact information so I can provide to Melexis? Please email me directly at .
Thank you,