What is a SuperSpeed (SS) USB C cable?

SuperSpeed USB-C introduction

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with the high performance Digilent Analog Discovery Pro ADP2230 oscilloscope. As I move back and forth between my real (messy) workbench and my photography (clean) workbench, I often swap cables. This was not a good idea, as there are different types (grades) of USB C cables. The Digilent Pro was designed to use a SuperSpeed (SS) cable as indicated by the logo on the instrument (Figure 1) and the cable (Figure 2). Also, the software provided a gentle reminder to use the proper cable as shown in Figure 3.

The SS cable is an important system component facilitating fast data transfer and the high-power levels of modern devices. This engineering brief is equally applicable to cell phones, chargers, laptops, and computer peripherals.

Figure 1: Image of the Digilent ADP2230 with the SuperSpeed stipulation on the USB C connector.

Figure 2: Image of a USB C male connector with the SuperSpeed markings.

Figure 3: Warning message to use the proper USB-SS cable.

What are the differences between USB 2.0, Superspeed, SuperspeedPlus, SuperSpeed Plus (Dual Lane), and USB 4.0?

Speed and power!

The USB C cable standards have changed since it was first introduced. When compared to the USB 2.0 specifications, the new USB 3 SuperSpeed cable is about 10 times faster with increased power transfer capabilities.

Note that the technology continues to evolve with SuperSpeedPlus (USB 3.1), SuperSpeedPlus (Dual-Lane), and USB 4.0. Each generation provides improved performance especially with respect to speed. For example, the latest USB4 is about 80 times faster than USB 2.
While it’s true that the cables are generally backwards compatible, using a USB 2.0 instead of a USB 4.0 could make minutes turn into hours in terms of data transfer rates and battery charging time. While you are waiting, you could have a coffee and then leisurely purchase a cable from DigiKey.

Tech Tip: The rapidly changing technology can be a source of confusion. Organizations such as USB-IF are working with manufacturers to standardize and simplify USB cable and device markings.

How do I select the proper USB C cable?

The common USB-C male-to-male cables are located here. Cable selection is a two-step process:

  1. Determine the specification for your equipment.

  2. Select a cable with an equal of higher rating than required for your equipment.

For example, the Digilent ADP2230 datasheet calls for a USB Type-C generation 3.2. Cables from this list would be appropriate.

Figure 4: Highlighted specification for USB-C cables ranging from USB 2 to USB 4.

Parting thoughts

USB-C cable selection can be confusing. The situation should improve in the future as organizations such as USB-IF work to standardize the device and cable markings.

Please let us know if you have any question about USB cables by leaving a note in the comments section.

Excuse me as I figure out why my cell takes so long to charge.

Best wishes,


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About this author

Aaron Dahlen, LCDR USCG (Ret.), serves as an application engineer at DigiKey. He has a unique electronics and automation foundation built over a 27-year military career as a technician and engineer which was further enhanced by 12 years of teaching (interwoven). With an MSEE degree from Minnesota State University, Mankato, Dahlen has taught in an ABET-accredited EE program, served as the program coordinator for an EET program, and taught component-level repair to military electronics technicians. Dahlen has returned to his Northern Minnesota home and thoroughly enjoys researching and writing articles such as this.

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