Xbee Pro

I have a bunch of Xbee pro in RS232 mode RS232 Adapter mode 11E8

Seams to take forever for them to start up.

Any ideas?

Hello @andylasers,
Could you provide more info on how you have them set, configured and a general description of how your using them (what does “start up” mean) ? It could be your host application that’s impacting the start up time.

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Hello Scott,

I have 21 x XB24P S1 ( actually I have 600 of them but in this project just using 21)

All are set as XBEE PRO 802.15.4 RS232 ADAPTER
FW 11E8

All are set to default settings apart from Baud which is 19200, Channel C, ID1111

20 of them are connected onto to a board that has an Atmega128A

The 21st is connected direct to Laptop by a DFrobot USB Xbee Adapter

The 20 send short strings to the 21st which feed those into the laptop.

I managed somehow to get that all working fine using AT commands from ATmega




But I get a problem when trying to set the Key


I think the problem I am having is the encryption key is not getting set with AT command.

Strangely I can set the Key with X-CTU via the PC but not with the Atmega

Just wondering while I type if when setting the encryption key of it needs a carriage return on the end.

Also, last thing does it exist anywhere the source cold for the old X-CTU, I have a new one but avoid using it because it takes forever, the older one is much more practical

Hello @andylasers,
If you are able to set the key with XCTU but not the ATMEGA my guess is you are not sending a valid 16 byte value (as required per the XBee/XBee-PRO S1 802.15.4 (Legacy) User Guide). How are you sending the AT command data in your ATMEGA, ASCII or hex?
Regarding source code for XCTU, I am not aware of it ever being available.

It is very likely something going wrong with the key I send, I have tried a few variations



’ Config XBEE


’ Flash the red led to indicate the enter of XBEE Config
Set Red_led
Waitms 150
Reset Red_led
Waitms 150

  Set Red_led
  Waitms 150
  Reset Red_led
  Waitms 150

Waitms 1200
Print #2 , “+++”; 'Use ; Semicolon To Not Send add Charage Return After The
Waitms 100

Print #2 , “ATCHC”
Waitms 100

Print #2 , “ATID1111”
Waitms 100

Print #2 , “ATBD4” ’ set to 19200 BAUD
Waitms 100 ’ 1 = 2400 2 = 4800 3 = 9600 4 = 19200 5 = 38400 6 = 57600 7 = 115200

Print #2 , “ATEE1” 'Enable AES Encryption (Receiver must be also enabled)
Waitms 100

Print #2 , “ATKYA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8” 'Enable AES Encryption
Waitms 100

Print #2 , “ATWR”
Waitms 100

Print #2 , “ATCN”
Waitms 500

’ Flash the red led to indicate the exit of XBEE Config

  Set Red_led
  Waitms 150
  Reset Red_led
  Waitms 150

  Set Red_led
  Waitms 150
  Reset Red_led
  Waitms 150

  Set Red_led
  Waitms 150
  Reset Red_led
  Waitms 150

  ' Just wait a bit before transmition
  Waitms 1000


Hello @andylasers,
I have not worked with the S1 Xbees for several years and don’t have any to try. I have not used the Key encryption parameter before but I’m thinking you need to somehow send the Key parameter as hex data in your code.
I don’t know anything about BASCOM-AVR but is there a way to send the first part of the command “ATKY” without a carriage return and then send the key parameter as hex data (not ascii “” format) ?

Hi Scott,

What does it mean to send the key as hex data?.

That is actually why I was asking of the source code for old X-CTU existed to see how it was flawlessly sending the Key data.

I was looking at the online help for BASCOM-AVR. Can you try using HEXVAL to send the key parameter as hex data as referenced below.